Some useful tidbits for the curious :)

Q:  Why don’t I see more of Little-Guy online?

A:  Ryan & I have decided to keep his personal info offline, especially off of social media. What we do choose to share is carefully curated. 

We want to give him the gift of choice, similar to the “clean slate” we had when we began our representing ourselves on the internet :)

We ask that family & friends help us with this by *not* posting his name, face, or other personal info online, anywhere. The sincerest of thanks from us both!

Q:  Where are you living these days?

A:  Our little home is in Florida!

Q:  What size clothes does Little-Guy wear now?

A:  He can still fit in some 0-3month clothes, but some 6month clothes already fit! I blame it on his fluffy cloth-diapers and apparent growth-spurt Haha! Last updated/confirmed: 7/15/23
